On that beautiful Warsaw Sunday, 180x210 cm, oil on linen, 2020

The title of the work retells a verse of Czeslaw Milosz’s poem Campo di Fiori, in which he describes the absurdity of the coexistence of two abutting worlds – an amusement park and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Divided merely by a unremarkable six-meter high, brick wall. He compares the carelessness of the crowds in Warsaw to the ones on Campo di Fiori during the execution of Giordano Bruno. The painting is based on an interpretation of the historical event (Andrzej Wajda – A Generation from 1955).

There is no known photograph capturing the carousel, that was taken from behind the walls of the Warsaw Ghetto.


Makatka (Every wife's pride - it's what she cooks for her husband)


Lithuania, my fatherland!