Lithuania?, 2022, oil on canvas, 180 x 320 cm (in total, corner piece).

I will never be as organized as a German,
I will never be spirited as a Pole, 
I wore socks and sandals for the first time in Iceland,
Someone might have told me that I look like a Viking,
I will never be one,
I won‘t be relaxed as an Italian,
Patience won‘t be my strongest side,
So I won‘t say þetta reddast,
I will be called like a cheese, 
At least they won´t forget my name,
Like my fiancée’s one,
An Italian boomer has called me William,
I hope it´s because of Turner, 
I hated handball as a kid, 
But was born on the 5th,
So, 5 is my lucky number, 
I have a Swedish accent in Icelandic,
A German one in English,
A German one in Polish,
So, what accent do I have in German?
Our cat, which isn´t even ours,
Has a name which isn´t even his real one,
I missed painting big paintings,
As I missed Lithuania,
I will never be Ragnar Kjartansson,
But where the fuck did he film Death is elsewhere?

Lukas Bury
Photos: Magda Typiak


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